Barrett, Moon and Blackberry hiding in the grass.
Stanley standing on his tin can.
Keys Mom Petal swooning.
Key being held up by Chip "Look Mom I'm flying"
McGee looking out at the rain.
Mister Pickles singing in his van.
Moon showing her spot to McGee. Blackberry and Signal light at her sides.
Stanley and Signal Light riding on Foxes head.
Harold holding his hat pin.
Owl asleep in his tree with Chip at his side.
Eva waving goodbye to Chip.
The mice having a great day at the water reserve.
Key with a surprised look on his face.
McGee teaching Barrett how to do a Scottish dance.
McGee looking at the train pictures in the waiting room.
The Mouse trains.
Mr. Pickles with his dog, Argyle looking up at Owl.
Alexa, Rubo and Garth checking out the van.
Key saying good-bye to McGee.
Elderberry, Whoo Whoo, Luggage and McGee going for a ride.
Freda the pig with mice running over her.
McGee looking at Prickles the hedgehog rolled up in a ball.
Whoo Whoo, crying because he thinks he figured out what the humans do with the newspaper.
Bazz the rat, Whoo Whoo and Owl.
Owl flying with Whoo Whoo and Luggage on his back.
Foxy helping McGee get into Mr. Pickles van.
Flower giving Mr. Pickles a Poppy.